For years, there have been millions of individuals who relied on certain medical devices to help improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, many of these items aren’t as safe as they should be, and patients who received faulty implants experienced serious harm.

One of the potentially dangerous medical devices on the market is DePuy brand knee replacements. Many individuals have these replacements prescribed when they suffer from soft tissue or bone issues in their knees. However, it’s increasingly important for individuals to know more about these devices and some of the dangers associated with their use.

More About DePuy Knee Replacements

The device is manufactured by the DePuy Orthopaedics segment of Johnson & Johnson. It’s supposed to be implanted along the femur of the patient during knee reconstruction surgery. The company’s promise was for patients to experience an improved lifestyle. Numerous types of products were released by the company to help patients, but many of them have been associated with potential dangers that have resulted in serious harm.

The Risks of Using DePuy Knee Replacements

Unfortunately, there are countless reports of side effects associated with these knee implants, and individuals also experienced numerous long-term issues with them. For instance, some people have contracted infections as a result of the implants.

Others experienced an inability to use the limbs affected, stiffness, decreased range of motion and ability to walk, and even the loss of limbs. In some situations, the implant loosened, requiring further medical procedures to repair the issue. 

Revision and repair surgery isn’t uncommon as many individuals have to undergo significant procedures to ensure the knee implant works well and continues to do so. If adverse reactions are present, someone may need even further care.

DePuy has already had numerous lawsuits. Proving liability in cases with faulty medical devices requires a strong presentation of evidence and liability support. When you choose a legal partner to help with your medical device claim, make sure they have trial experience as well.

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