The aftermath of a motorcycle accident is a horrendous time, especially since most riders experience devastating injuries and, consequently, high medical bills. This makes emotional, financial, and physical recovery incredibly difficult for most people. However, you don’t have to go through this alone if a vehicle motorist was partially at fault. Arrange for a free consultation with a knowledgeable Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer about your options for a comprehensive settlement. 

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

As freeing as the open road can be for motorcycle enthusiasts, vehicle collisions cause intense injuries—some even the most advanced protective gear can’t prevent. Bone fractures, soft tissue injuries, and lacerations are the most common minor medical conditions. But motorcyclists don’t have the benefit of a steel frame as vehicle passengers do, and if both machines are traveling at high speeds, riders usually suffer more bodily harm, such as: 

  • The loss of a limb
  • Skull fractures and traumatic brain injury
  • Rib fractures and punctured lungs
  • Spinal cord damage and paralysis

Moderate–to–severe brain injuries often cause lifelong impairments, including:

  • Speech problems and communication deficits
  • Movement and coordination difficulties
  • Sensory issues that can involve vision, touch, or hearing
  • Memory, attention, and concentration problems
  • Mood, behavior, and personality problems

A major way brain injuries can impact someone’s life is by taking away certain abilities. When particular skills needed for work are forever impaired, a person may have to end up changing jobs—or worse, become permanently disabled.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Knowing what to do after a motorcycle accident is key for recovering financially from the aftermath. The most important motorcycle accident steps are to:

  • If you’re able, move yourself to safety without worsening your injuries.
  • Call 911 to the scene so first responders can render medical assistance, assess the accident scene, write a police report that details the events leading to the accident, and document the driver’s contact and insurance information.

It’s possible that you or a loved one might not be in any condition to gather additional evidence immediately after the accident. But as soon as possible, write down any details of the accident, and ask someone to take photos of injuries and motorcycle damage. Even if you’re in the hospital recovering, this documentation will help the future of your claim. You might also need assistance saving other valuable information, such as medical records, repair costs, pay stubs, and more. 

You shouldn’t have to pay for motorcycle accident expenses if someone else was at fault. Seek out legal counsel that explains all your options for starting a personal injury claim to ensure you get the compensation you deserve for a full recovery.

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