You might be able to recover lost wages if you are unable to work because of an injury, but it will depend on the circumstances of your accident. If you were injured at work while performing job-related duties and are unable to work as a result, you should be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits entitle you to lost wages and other forms of compensation for injuries and illnesses.
However, if you were injured in a car accident, slip and fall, or other non-work-related accident, you will only be able to recover lost wages if the accident was caused by the negligence of another party. If that is the case, you can work with a personal injury lawyer to hold the at-fault party responsible for compensating you for all of your losses—including lost wages if you are unable to work because of the injuries you sustained. If you took sick time or vacation time when the accident first occurred, your compensation should also reimburse you for that time.
If you are unable to work because of an accident that was your own fault—or no one's fault—you will have to use paid time off if you have it. Otherwise, you will not get paid for the lost time.